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Sailing Impact Sponsorship

Money vs Impact in Sailing

In a recent episode of the Yacht Business & Sailing Podcast, Mark Turner (formerly of OC Sport and the Ocean Race) discussed the changing nature of sponsored sailing campaigns. Gone are the days of sponsors just being the wallet so that people can go yachting. Teams and programs need to attach themselves to a larger cause, whether it be the… Read More »Money vs Impact in Sailing

Ken Read Sailing Sponsorship WYRF

Ken Read on Sailing Sponsorship

Ken Read’s Keynote at the World Yacht Racing Forum in 2013 was a big hit. Below are the comments he made about raising sponsorship and what sailors and events still have to learn. Clearly this is a big part of what we are talking about at this event. Sponsorship is critical at the elite level of our sport. There is… Read More »Ken Read on Sailing Sponsorship

Sailing Sponsorship Activation

Brands Talk Sailing Sponsorship Activation

The 2012 World Yacht Racing Forum opened with a discussion around sponsorship activation. Activation, or utilisation, is the activity undertaken by companies to actually generate the returns from sponsorship. This article first appeared on YachtRacing.biz The panel featured; Josephine Edwall-Bjorklund, Senior VP Corporate Communications for SCA – who recently announced they would back an all female team in the Volvo… Read More »Brands Talk Sailing Sponsorship Activation

Mark Turner Sailing 2012

Mark Turner Interview

The annual pro sailing series are coming to the end of their 2012 seasons. It’s a time of year when we can look back at the previous 12 months and also reflect about how the next year might be different. In 2008, we asked Mark Turner, the man behind the Extreme Sailing Series how he saw the ‘state of the… Read More »Mark Turner Interview

Loick Peyron on Sailing

Loick Peyron’s Sailing Wisdom

“The path to being an expert can be easy or hard.” Loick Peyron at the 2010 World Yacht Racing Fourm It’s difficult to do justice to the speech that Loick Peyron gave to the delegates of the World Yacht Racing Forum in Estoril. The performance was one that showed the sport of sailing does indeed have personalities to rival any… Read More »Loick Peyron’s Sailing Wisdom

mark turner sailing

Mark Turner Interview

The following article was first published in 2008. Many of the topics are still current and many of the challenges still exist more than 10 years on. Mark Turner, CEO of OC Group talks to David Fuller about the broader trends in the business of yacht racing. Professional yacht racing is a relatively new phenomenon. The idea that the sport… Read More »Mark Turner Interview